[Project X] Lecture in Korea


[Project X] Lecture in Korea 2015

Lecturer: Pro. Udo Dziersk(Kunstakademie Düsseldorf: Orientierungsbereich)

Date: 12:00pm 7th Sep 2015

Venue: Sungkyun Gallery in Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, South Korea

Theme: Contemporary German Painting and Arts Education in Germany


[프로젝트 엑스] 2015 해외 초청 강연

강연자: 우도 져스크 교수(현 뒤셀도르프 쿤스트아카데미 교수)

일시: 2015년 9월 7일 낮 12시

장소: 성균관대학교 내 성균 갤러리

주제: 독일 현대 미술과 독일의 미술 교육

참여 대상: 성균관 대학교 학생 및 외부인 참여 가능

강연 관련 문의 사항은 김은진(enjini21@skku.edu)로 연락 바랍니다.


History of Sungkyunkwan Univiersity, South Korea


Sungkyunkwan University is a private research university with campuses in Seoul and Suwon. Originally, it was founded in 1398 by the Joseon Dynasty located in the heart of central Seoul. It was authorized as Sungkyunkwan, the foremost educational institution of Joseon, by the great code of the state administration pertaining to the royal assent.

Sungkyunkwan was established in 1398 to offer prayers and rituals to Confucius and his disciples, and to promote the study of the Confucian canon. It was located within the city walls of the capital Hanseong, or modern-day Seoul. It followed the example of the Goryeo-period Gukjagam, which in its latter years was also known by the name “Sungkyunkwan.” Most Korean culture and Hangul have been archived by Sungkyunkwan scholars over hundreds of years. Sungkyunkwan was Korea’s foremost institution of higher learning under the Joseon Dynasty education system.

Samsung partnered with SKKU in the period of 1965-1977 and renewed the partnership in 1996. The partnership has helped SKKU realize its vision in pursuit of globalization and fostering talented graduates with Samsung. Through the partnership, SKKU has developed high-quality research infrastructure and achieved excellent human resource management including world-leading academic programs in software development, mobile communications engineering, energy engineering, nanotechnology, business, medicine, and law.

following the results of the QS University Rankings 2015, Sunkyunkwan University ranked 17th in Asia.

* lecture view

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