[Project X] Lecture in Korea 2016_ Sungshin Women’s University

[Project X] Lecture in Korea 2016

[프로젝트 엑스] 2016 해외 초청 강연

  • 강연자: 이 광 (화가, 쿤스트페어라인64 대표)
  • 주제: 아직 그리지 않은 그림 
  • 내용: 겸재 정선, Caspar David Friedrich, E.L. Kirchner 그리고 화가 이 광의 그림을 통해 바라본 풍경화의 가능성을 모색하며,한국 전통회화와 서양 풍경화를 잇기 위해 실제  그림이 그려진 장소의 탐방과 작품 분석을 통해 동서양 회화의 차이과 공통점을 살핀다.
  • 일시: 2016년 11월 30일 낮 2시
  • 장소: 성신 여자 대학교 난향관 602



Sungshin Women’s University

Sungshin Women’s University is a private women’s university located in Seoul, South Korea. It was founded in 1936 by Dr. Sook-Chong Lee. During the 1960s and 70s, Sungshin was well known as a prestigious Teachers College in South Korea. Then, in the 1980s, the college was promoted to the status of a comprehensive university. Today, the university comprises ten colleges and five graduate schools with total enrollment of about 12,000 students. In 2006, the university rebuilt the Sungshin Hall to mark the university’s 70th anniversary. Also, Sungshin Women’s University has succeeded to annex the nursing college of a national hospital, the first event of its kind to happen in South Korea.